About us
The Konrad-Martin-Haus, or KMH for short, is a Catholic adult education centre. We offer seminars and courses in the area of general adult education. We are also a popular conference location situated in the winelands near Naumburg in the region of Sachsen-Anhalt in Germany.
Many of our seminar rooms offer easy access for people with disabilities and thanks to our up-to date equipment our groups can work in analog, digital and hybrid formats. We offer overnight stays and home cooked meals as part of our community orientated educational philosophy – living and learning under one roof.
Over the years we have developed an expertise in the field of community based adult education. We offer courses and process facilitation to empower ordinary citizens who want to take a more active part in expressing their needs and shaping their own communities. Together with our network partners we support
- volunteers promoting reading for adults and children
- volunteer-organized education for senior citizens
- life-long learning for people with disabilities
- democracy education for people with disabilities
- community mental health.
Our strong community orientation, as well as the fact that we can offer accommodation and meals, make us an ideal location for Erasmus + events.
If you are interested in talking to us about a possible Erasmus+ visit or a partnership, please contact
Dr. Gisela Winkler, Gisela.winkler[at]konrad-martin-haus.de
Our Erasmus + OID is: E 103 105 10
Erasmus+ News
Travelling experts – sharing insights and ideas in Lithuania in September 2024
From 24/09/2024 to 26/09/2024 we were invited as experts to Lithuania. Our host was the regional library of the Panevėžys region, who regularly provide Erasmus+ learning programs for their staff. Building on their visit with us in Germany in December 2023, we presented a workshop called “Adult Education for Community Building”. This was followed by site visits to libraries in the region, where we exchanged a lot of practical ideas. We were involved in discussion about the practice of Lithuanian third age universities with specialists of at the Utena A. and M. Miškiniai Public Library and also held a session with the specialists of Panevėžys County Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė Public Library on the role of regional library in the field of adult education. A special highlight was the visit to the Elene Mezginaitė Public Library, Žalioji Pelėda Branch, where we reflected on using a Kamishibai theatre in adult education.
- It was an interesting seminar, the main lecturer was cool, I got interested in how to use kamishibai while telling stories. Thank you.
- Thank you for translating from English to Lithuanian during the seminar. It allowed us to express our thoughts freely and feel comfortable and not stressed when being asked something.
- Great seminar. Everything is thought out. Well organized.
- The seminar was well organized, interesting and useful. I liked the lecturers, who very openly sharing their experiences.
Photos: Gintaras Lukoševičius
Jobshadow in Austria in July 2024
From 3 to 8 July 2024 some of our staff visited the Bildungshaus Schloss Puchberg in Austria. They joined colleagues from administration, housekeeping and education for a couple of days. We profited from the open and generous exchange and returned home with lots of new ideas. Listening to their reports in the staff room it is apparent what a rich and wonderful experience an Erasmus+ job shadow mobility can be!
Welcome Ireland!
From 10 – 14 June 2024 we hosted a group educators and learners from Dublin. They were part of an Erasmus+ Mobility organized by the South Dublin Partnership (https://sdcpartnership.ie/).
They were keen to explore how we connect with local partners to create a welcoming learning community for everyone. Each day followed a similar rhythm, which helped everyone to feel at home quickly. After breakfast we started the day together with a brief introduction to the planned program and then used public transport get to various learning sites. We ended a day with a reflection and a discussion about what they have done and seen. This helped the group to digest impressions and ask deeper questions.
Each site visit showed a new aspect of what a welcoming learning community is about. First there was a cultural outing to Schulpforte, a local monastery, where the program was developed by people with disabilities themselves.
The second visit took us to a family center in town, where mothers could learn, because childcare was provided. The mothers showed us their art project on the topic “Dignity” and we got a chance to follow their lead and be creative!
The third visit took us to an English class at the local senior citizens club. Finally, on our last day, the local library offered some insights into how people from other cultures can access to German culture and language in fun and informal ways. Here everyone had a chance to experiment with a new App on the tablets and “enter” a storybook of our choice. Making people feeling welcome is a special connection that grows from our values, an experience of generosity, as well as our deep understanding of the fact that we all long for safe spaces where our dignity and creativity is seen.
Presenting our work as „best practice“ at an Erasmus+ TCA in Bergisch Gladbach
At the end of May 2024 Tino Berger participated in a TCA in Germany. He is one of our learners and shared his experience in our Erasmus+ Project Culture simply for everyone. (You can watch a short video about this project if you scroll to the end of this blog.)
The TCA OPTIMAL-3 was hosted by the national agency in Germany and aimed at gathering real-life experiences of adult learner mobility. About 55 participants from all over Europe shared their ideas. As education institute we contributed both sending and hosting perspectives. Particular attention was given to the effort required when we run projects that include and support adult learners with specific needs.
Tino Berger also participated in a national campaign to promote Easmus+ opportunities in Germany . You can watch the short video if you follow this link:
Welcome Lithuania!
From 11 – 14 December 2023 we hosted a group of 15 librarians from Lithuania. They came from the Panevӗẑys region of the country and wanted to gain new ideas about community based education run by volunteers. Our institute developed the program for them – with some theoretical input and a lot of site visits. this way they could see practical examples of the educational principles underlying our work.
Together we visited a project for “senior learning” that has been run by senior citizens themselves for 30 years.
We also spent some time in the library and talked about their approach to educational partnerships, especially in the field of reading promotion. This project is run by a large group of volunteers and many were present to explain how they work.
The discussions also focused on the role of partners and networks in an open dialogic approach that helps to develop communities of knowledge.
The international visit was a very motivating and strengthening experience for all of us!
You will find the Lithuanian report if you follow the link.
Culture SIMPLY for everyone
In September 2023 we organised a KA1 mobility project for people with disabilities. Our aim was to travel to another European country and to explore a UNESCO world heritage site. How easy is it to have a cultural experience, if you are an adult with special needs? Where are the barriers? How can obstacles be overcome?
Our partner was the Salzburg Museum in Austria. Together with them we explored options for cultural inclusion. We also tested a product for them. After our trip we worked on a checklist for cultural inclusion. We translated the list into English. You are free to use it. You will find the list here.
We also produced a short film so you can share our experience. Please let us know what you think!